There's a new page for Phase Two of the Auxcast, which you'll see on the nav panel on the left, under the original Auxcast page.
Upon listening, you'll realise there's a new format for Phase Two. Each episode will feature three 30 minute segments. Every month, I'll be providing one of the 30 minutes, and I'll be joined by two Auxiliary artists who will provide the rest of the content.
If you wish to subscribe to get Auxcast:Phase Two automatically, then iTunes users can do so by following this link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/auxcast-phase-two/id584285388?mt=2
No track listings will be provided for Phase Two at any time, before you ask!
new gener8ion.Thank's
Top quality from start to finish.
Very enjoyable mix from start to finish. Shame about the track list rule but I understand why. :)
Hannes: The track you are referring to at 08:00 is part of 'Peonies Fall For Kings' from bvdub's latest album. It has been out for a couple weeks now so seek it out. It is a really good album.
> No track listings will be provided for Phase Two at any time, before you ask!
This sucks. Instead of finding track and buying it, I must cut parts from podcast with sound editor.
Well, what I suggest is you all pool your resources together and work it out. Make a blog for it, or use the comments section on every episode to try. :)
The rule would be great if it atleast had artist name (or label) or be published few weeks later, not everybody knows the resources.
Great mixes thoughĄ
So so so hooked on the tune that comes in around 22min. The tempo, the structure, the aesthetics, everything. Hope to see it on an Auxiliary release someday!
Probably not. There's already so much lined up for next year already, it's kinda scary!
I'm in love with this podcast! Is it possible to know the name of the track which starts at 25:30? The very moment of soul touch :)
@Юля Пронькина
Someone has to attempt a tracklist for the Synth Sense mix. James can you confrim whether the first or third tracks from their mix will be on the Symbol release?
Those tracks are not by Synth Sense.
haha balls. Worth a try I suppose. Can anyone help me out with these?
First one is Andy Stott - Leaving. Not sure about the 3rd one. New episode is out btw.
I thought episode two, it was a lot of hours :)
Hang on a minute, what is the track at 17 minutes??
I may be keen to know because I'm not allowed to know, but I AM keen to know.
Song at 46:40 please
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