If you haven't ordered yet and you want this bundle, which features every track on all formats available, then order direct from Samurai via Surus here, for the low price of 19.99GBP!
Also, for a round up on all the promo, audio, mixes, features etc, check out Samurai's newsletter that went up today:
Got mine yesterday and taking to work today. BTW AUXCST 10...I don't even have words...yet another favourite in the series.
Congratulations ASC on another solid release.
^djemptyx is right. AUXCAST 10 is preety special,
It definately deserves a blog post or people might miss it.
I haven't posted anything about Auxcast 10 yet, because Out Of Sync is the priority right now :) Glad you like. Thanks
Spheres, the opener, just sends me to outer-space...But definitely have more to say on this one later. Still sinking in...
Very nice RA review for a very good album ! Well done !
Fabulous release. Keep em coming.
Lost Sync Part 1 ASC -- Is this addendum on vinyl only?? :(
Yes. Vinyl only
I can understand exclusive remix vinyl EPs and special collection items but I find this sorely disappointing to the rest of us who've no record player and have been on a while. Take care mate see you down the road.
Not my decision
I believe that. I do not mean to rant at you but I'll leave you with this. I do not understand it at all. Very disappointed in the label's execution of this release. I wouldn't be so verbally put-off if your music didn't matter but it does. Listening to stuff quite often at work. Of course all people who do not own a turntable yet enjoy very much the Out of Sync album would wish to have the addendum(s). That should be logical. There is really no good reason to not at least offer lossless versions, or at the very least offer a free digital download with the purchase of the vinyl record on the Surus store (I suppose I could see myself purchasing a record just to get the version I would be able to listen to in my home/work environment). I would be willing to pay over the price of the vinyl for the lossless versions as well, if the guy hates digital that much. I just want both of those releases ;)
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