Since I never actually made a post about it, I figure a few of you might not realise there was a new episode to download. This *might* be the last for a while, as I'm thinking of putting the series on hiatus for a short while, as they take a long time to put together and in the coming months, I'm not sure if I'll have the time or not. Enjoy this for now and I'll keep you posted.
There's a bunch of tracks in this that won't be coming out for a while, which won't be ID'ed, so I've put a partial track listing up of stuff that's near release or already been released.
Sadness. They are Deep and clean and melodic. They give me stuff to look forward to in the shops. Auxcasts have been my go to pod casts for a while.
So thanks.
If I can fit it in, I will.
Thanks a lot!
Just going back through these mixes again. Think 2 and 9 are the standouts for me, but each and everyone has some absolute gems. I know full well how long it can take to put mixes together so appreciate the time and thought that has gone into making these. It will be sad if there is a break but look forward to the eleventh whenever that may be. Hopefully not too long ;-)
Episode 11 will be happening this month. Just to confirm that for you.
any chance of letting us know the artist behind track 1? its truly sublime...
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