So the time has come to end the series. Before you all moan and groan, there will be something new in the pipeline (eventually), but for now, the time feels right to end this series after doing it for a whole year. Grab it from the link on the left as usual.
We've put together a CD, which will be out before the end of the year, that features some of the best unreleased tracks from the podcasts. More info on this nearer the time.
A CD of unreleased tracks eh? Can I throw in a request for Sam KDC's Enigma? :) Been catching up on all these lately and that one really stood out. Was hoping to throw my money at you guys for that one!
No requests. Track list already sorted :)
Thanks man, great series of podcasts ... will look to the future for the next manifestation ...
I've always enjoyed the Auxcast series. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for all the great Auxcast mixes. The consistent quality throughout makes it clear that you've put some good time and effort into them.
death is not the end. thanks for the 12 deeply intriguing insights. it was/is/shall ever be good times
thank you!
Thanks for the super mixes you've done, my favourite one was auxcast nº8. That symbol with bering strait track is totally amazing.
Thank you James for a collection of gorgeous musical experiences. Very conducive to deep, meditative work.
Great series...looking forward to what you have planned next :)
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