Out now, is the seventh edition in the Symbol series, by a name you should all be familiar with by now, Indigo. He's put together 4 sublime pieces of work. You'll recognise 7.4 from the Auxcast series, and 7.1 from the Autonomic podcasts, no doubt. Here's a lovely picture of the delicious red vinyl, courtesy of the man himself.

So what's next? Well, lots actually.
Next Monday sees the second white label release. This is a clear 10" with the Auxiliary logo on one side and nothing on the other, so it's a quasi-white label, kinda. The tunes on this one are another two tracks by myself and Sam KDC. These two were written before Decayed Society, but we decided to sit on them for a bit as the album was taking shape and we wanted to put that out first. Anyway, if you check the post below this, there's more info on that release (AUXWL002) and you'll notice there's a lovely little Auxiliary badge if you buy it direct from us at our Surus store.
No doubt by now, you've all noticed the artwork I posted for AUXCD004, which is by new signings, Synth Sense. There's a bunch of reasons why I've signed Synth Sense, but the main one is they sound like no one else right now. Tomorrow's World is a perfect example of this. Truly two artists who've joined forces to find their own voice. Following the CD, will be a limited edition white vinyl, featuring four remixes by Synkro, Sam KDC, Indigo and myself. If you've a keen eye and ear, you may have noticed these already in the track listings for the Auxcasts. More info later.
So what else is brewing? AUX006 shouldn't be too far behind AUXCD004, which is Method One's second release on the label. It's called The Halftone EP, and features 3 pieces by Method One, and one collaboration with Synth Sense. Awaiting test presses to approve for this, so no date yet.
Don't forget about Symbol #8 and 9 ;)
Here, here "the main one is they sound like no one else right now."
So many goodies coming :)
Symbol #8 and #9 haven't been announced yet, because they aren't coming out soon. Later this year, all being well.
Whopsy, sorry :[ I'm so excited for them both :)
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